Christmas Wrap

Outreachands Operation Christmas Wrap

Many children of incarcerated parents suffer from issues of abandonment and shame directly linked to having a mom or dad in prison. Children of incarcerated parents are also at greater risk of becoming incarcerated in the future. Outreachands seeks to help restore children to their rightful sense of self through the love of Christ and help to prevent generational incarceration through Operation Christmas Wrap.

The Outreachands Christmas Wrap program is unique in that Outreachands brings toys, clothing, sporting equipment, and other age-appropriate gifts into the prison unit, where the parent can choose and wrap the gifts for their children. Once the gifts are wrapped and collected by designated volunteers, the gifts are then personally delivered by an Outreachands Volunteer to the family, along with a complete holiday meal.

Each prison unit has its own procedures that Outreachands must follow. However, typically, we work with the unit chaplain, the warden, and the major in determining an offender’s eligibility to participate in the program. This cooperative effort not only assists the offender in maintaining healthy relationships with their children and family, but it also aids in creating a safer environment within the prison unit.

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